Jamun Panna | Indian Java Plum Cooler

Jamun or the Indian Java Plum is one of the most nutritious and healthiest fruits available during summers in India. The purple fruit is known to aid in digestion, also keeping you at bay from the harsh sunstroke that is common during summer months. Jamun is extremely good for people suffering from diabetes as it helps keep blood sugar levels in check. Having endless number of health benefits, Java Plum surely makes for an ideal choice to be used in myriad of dishes. Being summers, the best recipe that I could think of making use of Jamuns is this beautiful lip-smacking panna which is loaded with subtle flavors of mint and roasted cumin powder. A power-packed cooler, it is an instant refresher and energy booster. Do try it out to benefit from its exceptional nutritional values! Other summer drinks that you may like are the MANGO PEACH LEMONADE , AAM KA PANNA , ROSE & ALMOND LASSI , PEACH POMEGRANATE & ROSE AGUA FRESCA and LYCHEE & CHERRY LEMONAD...